So from the title of this blog, I can assume you know the type of mood I am in. My day started off with rounds in the ward. Beatrice, my Kenyan counterpart, was not there, so I was alone for the day. My second day and alone! I dont think so. I told my team that I was of no use to them yet because I still did not know what was going on. I decided to join MyNa and Marion's team in the cubes across from mine. My team does major rounds on Monday and Thursday, and their team does major rounds on Tuesday and Friday. So I have been doing major rounds for 2 days in a row now. Did I mention that about 20 people are surrounding one patient bed, on top of each other and shoving each other. I got over heated and was feeling faint. The smell on the wards today was HORRIBLE, and I mean disgusting, worse than yesterday. I had Vicks Vaporub on my upper lip, was sucking on mints, and mouth breathing, and NONE of it helped. I had to leave the wards to get sick.
Came home from the hospital, it was only a half day!! and then had a little bit of lunch. I still was not feeling very well and was sick to my stomach and bowels after that. Kinda gross, but I am kind of using this as my own personal diary. I laid in bed the rest of the afternoon and took as nap. Boring, I know. I also missed out on going into town with everyone. They went to the store to buy shampoo, cereal, and other essentials. Then they all went to a restaurant called Breeze, which I was told we would go back to because it is so good.
While everyone was gone, I came into the dining room to get on the computer, mainly because I couldnt stay in my room anymore. I met a bunch of the staff who work here. One man, Joseph, was so nice and wanted to talk politics with me. Haha. Now we are all playing euchre and chatting. Another update will probably come on Sunday. Tomorrow we are going on a day trip to Kerio View!
Hey Ellie! Sorry about the smells, but it seems like at least the food is pretty good now that you're there. So glad you made it safely!