
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you somewhere to follow what I am doing on my trip to Kenya. I think this will be more convenient for those of you that do not have facebook :) I will try and update it often, but I do not know what my schedule will be like yet. I will do my best to keep you all informed. Thanks for viewing!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hell's Gate/Naivasha

This weekend we went to Hell's Gate National Park and Lake Naivasha.  I started out the weekend going out with friends to a place called Klique.  It has both a dining room and a lounge area.  We hit up both and had so much fun.  I headed home early to finish a project and because we were being picked up for the trip at 7a.  The trip started out horribly.  I got another cause of TD, so I was miserable and my stomach was killing me.  I had a fever and tachycardia all day Saturday, and I literally felt like shit.

I got to go on the trip through the park, but I didnt get to ride bikes with everyone else.  I rode in the van with our driver ChaCha.  I stayed and took a nap while the rest of the group went hiking through the gorge down to Hell's gate.  I will have to add pictures of Hell's Gate later, because my camera died about 5 minutes after we got there.  My computer and cell phone died as well.  Hell's Gate was sucking the energy out of everything, including myself.  While we were having a snack near the gorge, there were babboons around waiting for food.  There was a mama and baby.  The baby would ride on the mama's belly (underside) while sneaking up on people.  We went over to get better pictures of them, and ChaCha left his box of cookies on the bench where we were eating.  One of the babboons took off running for the cookies when we were all too far to save them.  We then saw him sitting on a nearby rock shaking the box trying to get every crumb out.

Sunday morning, we went on a boat ride to see the hippos and to see Crescent Highlands.  Crescent Highlands is owned by all the lodges/hotels and there are many animals there to see.  You can go walking around and get about 10 feet away from them.  It was awesome!

On the way back to Eldoret, we stopped to get our picture taken with the Equator sign.  It was raining so we were pretty miserable, but it turned out fine.  How many of you can say you stood on the equator?!  I can :)

Making chapati on a random week night

Our teachers: Naomi and Leah

Rolling them nice and flat

Cooking the chapati

Dinner and drinks at Klique


My intern Imran

Luu, OBGYN and Brown U part time faculty
Getting ready to bike at Hell's Gate Park

Ready for our boat ride around Lake Naivasha


Water bucks

Hip-Hip Hop-Hip Hop Anonymous (more hippos)

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